Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog 4.3

In the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid”, the author talks about how mainly everyone depends on Google for answers.  He explains that although Google is a good source filled with all different kinds of information you need, it also distracts us from actually learning and remembering the information and you’re not really thinking as deep as you could be. Also the faster we skim through words and images that we come across and continue doing that, Google’s making money for everything advertised and viewed. He talks about how Google does not want us to slowly find information because then we view less ads and links which means less money. I believe that Google and other internet sites do not really make us smarter if we are not focused on what we are actually learning because our brain is not fully thinking and wonders off being distracted by other sites and information.
 “If we’re distracted, we understand less, remember less, and learn less.” The quote is from the article and I agree with it. If you are not focused on the information you are learning then it’s useless. Of course you find out the answers you were looking for but you most likely are not actually learning anything from it. Your mind is wondering all over the screen, and you are skimming through images and text to find an answer. Then you continue to do that until you find what you were searching for. Most likely you will get distracted by something else that pops up on Google and then when you go back to what you was looking for and working on, you completely lost your train of thought. 
When you research something on Google, you will come across links and ads on the side or an image would come up. Every time we research something and those ads pop up, Google makes money from it. They do not care that the ads and links will throw us off tract to what we were researching because every time we go back to what we were doing that’s more money for them. Now that you’re hopping from different links and websites you’re really not taking in any of the information you come across.  By tomorrow everything you had researched, you probably will only remember if you had written it down.
“The greater our concentration, the richer our thoughts.”  This quote is also from the article. In order to be focused and concentrated, you should not have the computer on or any other electronic devices around you. Your mind is more clear and thinking better when you have no distractions. You might not have a lot of information researched but at least what you get from your brain, you can have a better understanding because more thought is being put into it. Google is just good for finding the information quicker.
If you want to learn something and “develop your mind” then Google is not the answer. The internet has many distractions that will throw you off track. You are not accomplishing anything but gathering information you read, which has no value because you are not learning and probably don’t fully understand what you have searched.  “You can Google all the facts you want, but you’ll never Google your way to brilliance.”

1 comment:

  1. For this essay i had a little trouble with writing the claim i was not to sure if it made sense and went along with my ideas i wrote about. other than that the article was pretty easy to write about.
