Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog 3.2 Cyborg Advantage

        Are computers and machines really smarter than humans? In the article "Cyborg Advantage" by Clive Thompson, the main idea of the article is how humans and machines work together. Also about how smart a person is with computers and apps. The author also talks about how some people get frustrated and annoyed with computers, while other people know how to manage there time so they do not get distracted by things on the internet.

      Many people would probably think that computers are smarter than humans. They store a lot of information. You can also research mainly anything you need to know or unsure about. You can stay connected with other people from all around the world. There are also many other machines that give you what you want or need. For instance, hospitals use a lot of different machines and technology for many various reasons. Certain machines can help fight a disease or cure it. Others help you discover a disease or infection if some one has something. I believe that humans are actually smarter than computers.

      These machines and computers did not create themselves. It took very intelligent humans to do this, people who have a lot of knowledge about technology and machines and people who went to school to study about it. They were the ones who created these devices. In the article "The Cyborg Advantage" by Clive Thompson, he talks about how humans and computers worked together on playing chess. The competitor would enter the position of there piece into the computer, and the computer program recommends a decision to make. The article says that at a tournament the winner was not a super computer or a grandmaster; who is a very skilled player in chess, but was a group of people in there twenties who were just amateurs and knew how run a PC and other apps. Those people out smarted a human and computer together and won. They knew how to enter moves in and work with the software. They took the knowledge they have with these applications and combined it with the machines. Although the computers have all the answers they are not the ones doing the thinking. Some one else gave the computers these answers.

     Many people also have difficulties with there machines and computers at times. When this happens they either bring it to a repair shop or like we have today call the "Geek Squad." These people know how to see what is wrong with your machine and most likely know how to fix it. We do not have robots or other machines come to take care of the problem, instead humans who are very intelligent and have the knowledge of working with technology know how to repair, upgrade and install many apps and other things in your computers or other machines. It also takes knowledge from a human to connect and hook these machines up to get them running. If your not capable of doing that you get help from a technician or someone else because the machine can not start itself.

   Today, mostly everyone goes on Facebook, or has various electronic devices. Many of these devices has different apps that you can install. We all know how to work these apps when they are installed or learn quickly what to do. People who are very familiar with technology created these apps either for your entertainment or like Facebook to stay in contact with other people.

   Machines are probably made to make other machines and devices but this can not happen on its own. It takes a human to make this process. Humans learn or have knowledge already on what to do to create apps, electronics and other machines. Without humans we most likely would not have half these machines that were invented and created. Technology takes wisdom from humans therefore, humans are smarter. Like the article "Cyborg Advantages" says the machine age is not going away but will just increase and expand which can only be done mainly with the help of humans. Therefore, that is why i believe that humans are actually smarter than computers.

1 comment:

  1. Hey i was reading your essay and i had a few comments.

    -On the 2nd paragraph i was kind of confused I think this is your claim? and if it is i think is a good one"Many people would probably think that computers are smarter than humans." BUT,in this sentence i think you should put your opinion (i believe..this and that) so it can make sense with your 3rd paragraph

    -(I really like this 3rd paragraph because you used evidence from the article i like that you explained and interpret the quote.)
    "These machines and computers did not create themselves. It took very intelligent humans to do this, people who have a lot of knowledge about technology and machines and people who went to school to study about it. They were the ones who created these devices. In the article "The Cyborg Advantage" by Clive Thompson, he talks about how humans and computers worked together on playing chess. The competitor would enter the position of there piece into the computer, and the computer program recommends a decision to make. The article says that at a tournament the winner was not a super computer or a grandmaster; who is a very skilled player in chess, but was a group of people in there twenties who were just amateurs and knew how run a PC and other apps. Those people out smarted a human and computer together and won. They knew how to enter moves in and work with the software. They took the knowledge they have with these applications and combined it with the machines. Although the computers have all the answers they are not the ones doing the thinking. Some one else gave the computers these answers."
