I chose to rematch the Sleep Dealers. I chose to write about the way Luz sells her memories for a living and how similar it is to videoing your life and other stuff and putting it on youtube and other websites. Many people post videos to entertain others. But a main reason people do it is to get known, make a living out of what they do. For instance, musicians post up videos of themselves singing or playing an instrument. The reason why they do that is so they can become popular on the website and then soon hope for someone to sign them into an industry. Other people video the things that go on in their life hoping to get their own reality t.v show. People use their ideas and talents trying to make money off it, just like Luz is making money off her memories.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I arrived at the room at 5:15 waiting to enter inside. When it was time to enter, I turned my cellphone completely off. Then I took out my pens and dictionary. We had to fill out some things before we started the test. When the test was being handed out I felt good and prepared enough. The reading topic was on technology, which I had alot of ideas and examples for my essay. Remember what I learned we had to do, I wrote the summary and used examples and quotes from the reading and then I put my claim in with reasons why that was my claim. While doing the essay, I didnt spend to much time on one thing but also didnt rush through it. After I was finished I read it over twice and then handed it in. I felt like i did a good job on the test.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Blog 4.3
In the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid”, the author talks about how mainly everyone depends on Google for answers. He explains that although Google is a good source filled with all different kinds of information you need, it also distracts us from actually learning and remembering the information and you’re not really thinking as deep as you could be. Also the faster we skim through words and images that we come across and continue doing that, Google’s making money for everything advertised and viewed. He talks about how Google does not want us to slowly find information because then we view less ads and links which means less money. I believe that Google and other internet sites do not really make us smarter if we are not focused on what we are actually learning because our brain is not fully thinking and wonders off being distracted by other sites and information.
“If we’re distracted, we understand less, remember less, and learn less.” The quote is from the article and I agree with it. If you are not focused on the information you are learning then it’s useless. Of course you find out the answers you were looking for but you most likely are not actually learning anything from it. Your mind is wondering all over the screen, and you are skimming through images and text to find an answer. Then you continue to do that until you find what you were searching for. Most likely you will get distracted by something else that pops up on Google and then when you go back to what you was looking for and working on, you completely lost your train of thought.
When you research something on Google, you will come across links and ads on the side or an image would come up. Every time we research something and those ads pop up, Google makes money from it. They do not care that the ads and links will throw us off tract to what we were researching because every time we go back to what we were doing that’s more money for them. Now that you’re hopping from different links and websites you’re really not taking in any of the information you come across. By tomorrow everything you had researched, you probably will only remember if you had written it down.
“The greater our concentration, the richer our thoughts.” This quote is also from the article. In order to be focused and concentrated, you should not have the computer on or any other electronic devices around you. Your mind is more clear and thinking better when you have no distractions. You might not have a lot of information researched but at least what you get from your brain, you can have a better understanding because more thought is being put into it. Google is just good for finding the information quicker.
If you want to learn something and “develop your mind” then Google is not the answer. The internet has many distractions that will throw you off track. You are not accomplishing anything but gathering information you read, which has no value because you are not learning and probably don’t fully understand what you have searched. “You can Google all the facts you want, but you’ll never Google your way to brilliance.”
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
In the passage "Rewired", Larry Rosen talks about how teenagers get so caught up and "plugged in" to technology. He also talks about how most of the school work deals with the Internet and technology. This causes the students to switch back and forth to other websites or to communicate with their friends instead of doing the work they should be doing. Even though this is considered multi-tasking, there actually procrastinating which causes them to finish later than they should. Larry Rosen says that kids spend many hours a day involved with these social networks and texting , which is true. However, he does believe that students should use the technology to make their school work more fun but to set guidelines to improve their health. He also says that their social life and the technologies helps them "develop and grow." He believes that the internet and computer have a positive effect when it comes to dealing with homework. I believe that doing homework that involves the Internet or a computer, gets teens caught up because they either procrastinate or their homework takes longer than it should.
Like Larry Rosen said, "If school work involves technology then students need to be directed to doing their work for periods of time, followed by other activities, and then back to their studies, and the cycle continues until homework is done." I agree with this quote because this actually happens to me, and I'm sure it happens to other teens as well. If I am working on an essay or researching something on the Internet, I always seem to get sidetracked and find my self to be on Facebook, texting or listening to music and then completely forget about what I was originally doing. That causes students to not being fully aware and on point of the topic or work there doing, and not fully thinking most likely because they are not interested or tired, so they "take breaks" and proceed with something more entertaining.
Like Larry Rosen said, "If school work involves technology then students need to be directed to doing their work for periods of time, followed by other activities, and then back to their studies, and the cycle continues until homework is done." I agree with this quote because this actually happens to me, and I'm sure it happens to other teens as well. If I am working on an essay or researching something on the Internet, I always seem to get sidetracked and find my self to be on Facebook, texting or listening to music and then completely forget about what I was originally doing. That causes students to not being fully aware and on point of the topic or work there doing, and not fully thinking most likely because they are not interested or tired, so they "take breaks" and proceed with something more entertaining.
Having poor grades from doing homework on the computer can have a lot to do with procrastinating. Being that your going back and forth with your homework and social network website, your not really focusing and into the work you need to do. This causes you to most likely get a lower grade then you should be getting. Not only are you going to finish later than you should be but also you not being dedicated to you homework . Doing homework on the Internet or having other technology around you is a distraction.
In conclusion, homework involving the Internet or computer makes students and teens work slower than they normally would. Also, having the homework take a bit longer being that they can get bored or side tracked from the assignment and go onto doing other things on the Internet.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
CAT #4
In the article "Let Them Eat Fat" Greg Crister talks about how fast food restaurants are convenient, for the fact that they are cheap and quick. He also talks about how fast food places are also very unhealthy. "The total caloric content of the meal has been jacked up from 680 calories to more than 1,340 calories." The author is talking about a meal from McDonald's and says how that is more than a teenager's recommended calorie consumption. Another thing he states in the article is that fast food places have grown a lot in poor-inner-city communities.
I believe that fast food places have a major effect on poor communities. "It was the poor, and their increasing need for cheap meals consumed outside the home that fueled the development." I agree with this statement from the article because as we seen on the slides in class, the majority of fast food restaurants are all around poor communities. It is rare and hard to find a grocery store, but every block or two has different kinds of fast food places. That fact that fast food places are affordable are the cause of numerous restaurants in these areas of low income. It makes sense because you would not put an expensive restaurant in a poor community for different reasons. If the people of the community can not afford to eat there, the place would most likely always be dead and make no money. This will eventually cause the restaurant to go out of business. By adding fast food places around the low income areas, the people are being satisfied.
Firstly, they can afford to eat there. Places like McDonald's and Wendy's for example have menus where things cost only a dollar. It also supplies jobs, a place where young people can work to make ends meet, save some money up or help out to provide for themselves and their families. The article says "one of every four hamburgers sold by the good folks at McDonald's, for example is now purchased by inner city consumers." This quote shows how these places are a good source for a job.Being that it is a fast food place, people can quickly have something to eat, especially if they were working all day and do not have time to cook or too are tired. They can quickly get something from these fast food places. "At my local McDonald's, located in a lower middle income area of Pasadena, California... goes into high gear at above 5 p.m.when the various urban caballeros .. get off work and head for a quick bite." This is probably because its a more convenient way for them to have a meal and its also faster.
Fast food places developed to help poor communities and is still increasing. It all has to mainly do with the economic status of the area. Unfortunately, because these places are also very unhealthy for you but the people in these areas probably do not focus on that, being that it is providing their needs to eat and their content. Low income communities would probably struggle more just to eat and feed their family if it was not for these fast food places. They are easily available every where, and the majority of them being in poor communities. Therefore, the placement of fast food restaurants has a majority effect on the community its in.
I believe that fast food places have a major effect on poor communities. "It was the poor, and their increasing need for cheap meals consumed outside the home that fueled the development." I agree with this statement from the article because as we seen on the slides in class, the majority of fast food restaurants are all around poor communities. It is rare and hard to find a grocery store, but every block or two has different kinds of fast food places. That fact that fast food places are affordable are the cause of numerous restaurants in these areas of low income. It makes sense because you would not put an expensive restaurant in a poor community for different reasons. If the people of the community can not afford to eat there, the place would most likely always be dead and make no money. This will eventually cause the restaurant to go out of business. By adding fast food places around the low income areas, the people are being satisfied.
Firstly, they can afford to eat there. Places like McDonald's and Wendy's for example have menus where things cost only a dollar. It also supplies jobs, a place where young people can work to make ends meet, save some money up or help out to provide for themselves and their families. The article says "one of every four hamburgers sold by the good folks at McDonald's, for example is now purchased by inner city consumers." This quote shows how these places are a good source for a job.Being that it is a fast food place, people can quickly have something to eat, especially if they were working all day and do not have time to cook or too are tired. They can quickly get something from these fast food places. "At my local McDonald's, located in a lower middle income area of Pasadena, California... goes into high gear at above 5 p.m.when the various urban caballeros .. get off work and head for a quick bite." This is probably because its a more convenient way for them to have a meal and its also faster.
Fast food places developed to help poor communities and is still increasing. It all has to mainly do with the economic status of the area. Unfortunately, because these places are also very unhealthy for you but the people in these areas probably do not focus on that, being that it is providing their needs to eat and their content. Low income communities would probably struggle more just to eat and feed their family if it was not for these fast food places. They are easily available every where, and the majority of them being in poor communities. Therefore, the placement of fast food restaurants has a majority effect on the community its in.
Reading blog: Blog 13
Reading blog: Blog 13: "Keith Adu-Boahene Nancy jo of 'how to Do one thing at a time 'explains how our brain can only remember or at it best when thing are done on..."
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Blog 3.4 The Meatrix Summaries.
In the first film of The Meatrix, Moopheus goes to a pig named Leo offering him to pills. One is to stay on the fantasy farm and the other shows him the real world and what is really happening. When he take the real world pill he see how the animals are cramped all together where they can barely move and see sunlight or get fresh air. That causes diseases between the animals so instead they started to add pills which would keep the animals alive but the overdoses also causes disease causing germs. The excrement pollutes the air and water that makes factory farms get sickness also. He shows Leo how the food that is being bought is a lie and not really from farms. Leo wants to help stop the factory farming machines.
In the Meatrix Revolting, Moopheus talks about how people are realizing where food comes from and is starting to buy healthier foods but there is still a place where they use machine farming. He shows him how the place looks, cows packed together and manure everywhere. Even though they have antibiotic the cows still get sick. The cows are also being pumped with artificial growth hormones. Baby cows are separated from there mother at birth and being fed milk replacers made from the cow's blood which causes mad cow disease. Leo fights off the agents but they capture Moopheus.Moopheus tells Leo to stop the other dairy factories. Leo also wants to rescue him.
In the Meatrix II 1/2, they see how meat is hanging on a machine and workers are cutting it up but they raise the speed of the machines to get more meat cut up. This makes the workers get hurt because the machines speed. That is being done for profit but it is very dangerous. Manure is falling every where because of the speed, even on the meat. The agent puts Moopheus on the machine line to get cut up but Leo slows it down so he can fight the agent off and Moopheus gets rescued.
One item from the factory farm tour was Mad Cow disease. Mad cow disease is a fatal disease that spreads throughout the body from the spinal cord to the brain. Tiny holes in the brain are caused from the infection causing brain damage and then eventually will lead to death. The disease makes the cows to be unphysical and not able to move. This disease is transmitted when cows eats meat scraps from other cows. Even if the cow meat was infected it was still distributed and caused many people to die from the disease. The epidemic was global. The Food and Drug Administration tried to make stricter regulations and rule to prevent the spread but actually failed because an outbreak of the mad cow disease happened in America in 2003 when a cow was discovered with it. The calves are fed pig and cow blood, plate waste and poultry litter which can also cause the mad cow disease. This is also unsanitary. If farmers took care of their cows and do not give them the antibiotic or put them through farm factories where they are given artificial growth hormones then this would probably would not happen, or spread world wide. Its the artificial chemicals that are given to these cows which is not right. People do these things because they are cruel and become greedy, wanting to make more profit off the meats.
In the Meatrix Revolting, Moopheus talks about how people are realizing where food comes from and is starting to buy healthier foods but there is still a place where they use machine farming. He shows him how the place looks, cows packed together and manure everywhere. Even though they have antibiotic the cows still get sick. The cows are also being pumped with artificial growth hormones. Baby cows are separated from there mother at birth and being fed milk replacers made from the cow's blood which causes mad cow disease. Leo fights off the agents but they capture Moopheus.Moopheus tells Leo to stop the other dairy factories. Leo also wants to rescue him.
In the Meatrix II 1/2, they see how meat is hanging on a machine and workers are cutting it up but they raise the speed of the machines to get more meat cut up. This makes the workers get hurt because the machines speed. That is being done for profit but it is very dangerous. Manure is falling every where because of the speed, even on the meat. The agent puts Moopheus on the machine line to get cut up but Leo slows it down so he can fight the agent off and Moopheus gets rescued.
One item from the factory farm tour was Mad Cow disease. Mad cow disease is a fatal disease that spreads throughout the body from the spinal cord to the brain. Tiny holes in the brain are caused from the infection causing brain damage and then eventually will lead to death. The disease makes the cows to be unphysical and not able to move. This disease is transmitted when cows eats meat scraps from other cows. Even if the cow meat was infected it was still distributed and caused many people to die from the disease. The epidemic was global. The Food and Drug Administration tried to make stricter regulations and rule to prevent the spread but actually failed because an outbreak of the mad cow disease happened in America in 2003 when a cow was discovered with it. The calves are fed pig and cow blood, plate waste and poultry litter which can also cause the mad cow disease. This is also unsanitary. If farmers took care of their cows and do not give them the antibiotic or put them through farm factories where they are given artificial growth hormones then this would probably would not happen, or spread world wide. Its the artificial chemicals that are given to these cows which is not right. People do these things because they are cruel and become greedy, wanting to make more profit off the meats.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Blog 3.3 CAT #3
In "The Net is the Real World" by Jake Simms and Larry Magid, the authors talk about how two students from Rutgers University were arrested because they exposed a roommate, Tyler Clementi, who was getting intimate with another guy. Tyler's roommate, Dharun Ravi invaded his privacy by putting a web cam in the dorm room and had it live on the Internet where other people saw. When Tyler found out about it he wrote a farewell message on his Facebook and then committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge into the river. The author also talks about how the Internet encourages bullying and that some people react and handle the situation different from others.
In my opinion, online bullying can be more cruel and it invades a persons privacy because web bully's attract more people when they post what they have done or are doing on the Internet. People are seeing what is happening and it spreads quickly all around the Internet. Nothing is private if it is posted on the Internet because any one can access and view it. Like celebrities for instance, naked pictures always get leaked on the Internet most of the time for money or someone does it for revenge. Not everyone handles situations the same. Some people might not take it serious and just laugh about it while other people can feel very embarrassed and hurt especially if something very private to them is being exposed to the Internet world. Like a student says in the article "I expect ... my privacy to be respected and to be able to do whatever I want. There should be no one there invading my privacy." This is true, every ones privacy should be respected and not exposed to other people, especially on the Internet.Bullying is cruel and causes pain to some one which can make them do what Tyler and other students have done. I have read many articles where a student who got bullied either went on a rage killing the people who were bothering them or killing themselves. What Tyler's roommates did was cruel and it caused a serious outcome because his privacy was invaded which was wrong.
"At least in a school yard brawl, a bully can see his or her victim suffer. Online bullies may never know how much suffering they're inflicting." This quote is from the article and is very true. Although an online bully may not physically be hurting their victim, they are being hurt mentally and emotionally. Some people do it to "look cool" or just make them self feel better so they expose it all around the Internet while some people do it just for humor or fun but they are actually hurting another person. There fore, bullying is wrong but it makes it worse when its on the Internet because many people are watching it, possibly thinking it is funny as well when it really is not.
In my opinion, online bullying can be more cruel and it invades a persons privacy because web bully's attract more people when they post what they have done or are doing on the Internet. People are seeing what is happening and it spreads quickly all around the Internet. Nothing is private if it is posted on the Internet because any one can access and view it. Like celebrities for instance, naked pictures always get leaked on the Internet most of the time for money or someone does it for revenge. Not everyone handles situations the same. Some people might not take it serious and just laugh about it while other people can feel very embarrassed and hurt especially if something very private to them is being exposed to the Internet world. Like a student says in the article "I expect ... my privacy to be respected and to be able to do whatever I want. There should be no one there invading my privacy." This is true, every ones privacy should be respected and not exposed to other people, especially on the Internet.Bullying is cruel and causes pain to some one which can make them do what Tyler and other students have done. I have read many articles where a student who got bullied either went on a rage killing the people who were bothering them or killing themselves. What Tyler's roommates did was cruel and it caused a serious outcome because his privacy was invaded which was wrong.
"At least in a school yard brawl, a bully can see his or her victim suffer. Online bullies may never know how much suffering they're inflicting." This quote is from the article and is very true. Although an online bully may not physically be hurting their victim, they are being hurt mentally and emotionally. Some people do it to "look cool" or just make them self feel better so they expose it all around the Internet while some people do it just for humor or fun but they are actually hurting another person. There fore, bullying is wrong but it makes it worse when its on the Internet because many people are watching it, possibly thinking it is funny as well when it really is not.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Blog 3.2 Cyborg Advantage
Are computers and machines really smarter than humans? In the article "Cyborg Advantage" by Clive Thompson, the main idea of the article is how humans and machines work together. Also about how smart a person is with computers and apps. The author also talks about how some people get frustrated and annoyed with computers, while other people know how to manage there time so they do not get distracted by things on the internet.
Many people would probably think that computers are smarter than humans. They store a lot of information. You can also research mainly anything you need to know or unsure about. You can stay connected with other people from all around the world. There are also many other machines that give you what you want or need. For instance, hospitals use a lot of different machines and technology for many various reasons. Certain machines can help fight a disease or cure it. Others help you discover a disease or infection if some one has something. I believe that humans are actually smarter than computers.
These machines and computers did not create themselves. It took very intelligent humans to do this, people who have a lot of knowledge about technology and machines and people who went to school to study about it. They were the ones who created these devices. In the article "The Cyborg Advantage" by Clive Thompson, he talks about how humans and computers worked together on playing chess. The competitor would enter the position of there piece into the computer, and the computer program recommends a decision to make. The article says that at a tournament the winner was not a super computer or a grandmaster; who is a very skilled player in chess, but was a group of people in there twenties who were just amateurs and knew how run a PC and other apps. Those people out smarted a human and computer together and won. They knew how to enter moves in and work with the software. They took the knowledge they have with these applications and combined it with the machines. Although the computers have all the answers they are not the ones doing the thinking. Some one else gave the computers these answers.
Many people also have difficulties with there machines and computers at times. When this happens they either bring it to a repair shop or like we have today call the "Geek Squad." These people know how to see what is wrong with your machine and most likely know how to fix it. We do not have robots or other machines come to take care of the problem, instead humans who are very intelligent and have the knowledge of working with technology know how to repair, upgrade and install many apps and other things in your computers or other machines. It also takes knowledge from a human to connect and hook these machines up to get them running. If your not capable of doing that you get help from a technician or someone else because the machine can not start itself.
Today, mostly everyone goes on Facebook, or has various electronic devices. Many of these devices has different apps that you can install. We all know how to work these apps when they are installed or learn quickly what to do. People who are very familiar with technology created these apps either for your entertainment or like Facebook to stay in contact with other people.
Machines are probably made to make other machines and devices but this can not happen on its own. It takes a human to make this process. Humans learn or have knowledge already on what to do to create apps, electronics and other machines. Without humans we most likely would not have half these machines that were invented and created. Technology takes wisdom from humans therefore, humans are smarter. Like the article "Cyborg Advantages" says the machine age is not going away but will just increase and expand which can only be done mainly with the help of humans. Therefore, that is why i believe that humans are actually smarter than computers.
Many people would probably think that computers are smarter than humans. They store a lot of information. You can also research mainly anything you need to know or unsure about. You can stay connected with other people from all around the world. There are also many other machines that give you what you want or need. For instance, hospitals use a lot of different machines and technology for many various reasons. Certain machines can help fight a disease or cure it. Others help you discover a disease or infection if some one has something. I believe that humans are actually smarter than computers.
These machines and computers did not create themselves. It took very intelligent humans to do this, people who have a lot of knowledge about technology and machines and people who went to school to study about it. They were the ones who created these devices. In the article "The Cyborg Advantage" by Clive Thompson, he talks about how humans and computers worked together on playing chess. The competitor would enter the position of there piece into the computer, and the computer program recommends a decision to make. The article says that at a tournament the winner was not a super computer or a grandmaster; who is a very skilled player in chess, but was a group of people in there twenties who were just amateurs and knew how run a PC and other apps. Those people out smarted a human and computer together and won. They knew how to enter moves in and work with the software. They took the knowledge they have with these applications and combined it with the machines. Although the computers have all the answers they are not the ones doing the thinking. Some one else gave the computers these answers.
Many people also have difficulties with there machines and computers at times. When this happens they either bring it to a repair shop or like we have today call the "Geek Squad." These people know how to see what is wrong with your machine and most likely know how to fix it. We do not have robots or other machines come to take care of the problem, instead humans who are very intelligent and have the knowledge of working with technology know how to repair, upgrade and install many apps and other things in your computers or other machines. It also takes knowledge from a human to connect and hook these machines up to get them running. If your not capable of doing that you get help from a technician or someone else because the machine can not start itself.
Today, mostly everyone goes on Facebook, or has various electronic devices. Many of these devices has different apps that you can install. We all know how to work these apps when they are installed or learn quickly what to do. People who are very familiar with technology created these apps either for your entertainment or like Facebook to stay in contact with other people.
Machines are probably made to make other machines and devices but this can not happen on its own. It takes a human to make this process. Humans learn or have knowledge already on what to do to create apps, electronics and other machines. Without humans we most likely would not have half these machines that were invented and created. Technology takes wisdom from humans therefore, humans are smarter. Like the article "Cyborg Advantages" says the machine age is not going away but will just increase and expand which can only be done mainly with the help of humans. Therefore, that is why i believe that humans are actually smarter than computers.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Artifact 3
Video game systems and games are artificial to life because they actually let people get addicted to them and feel like there inside the game. Some people feel like the video games control them, or there world revolves around these games. They get virtually connected. Many kids react and learn from what they are playing. Sometimes it can control a child's behavior cause they want to do and see what happens in the video games. It can sometimes cause aggressive behavior and violence. Athough video games are fun they can be unhealthy, not many children are as active any more because all they do is sit around and play the games, instead of playing physical sports. Now there are devices where you can go online and connect to other real players from all over the world and verse them online.
Artifact 2

The images are of a lady who considers herself as "The Cat Woman." She had plastic surgery done to make herself look like a cat. She felt the need to look like a cat because she was obsessed with them, but she went to the extreme, although she likes the look. Many people spend thousands of dollars on plastic surgery to make them selves look completely different. Many people, mainly celebrities get plastic surgery done frequently like its a normal thing to do. People live in a world where they feel like they have to be perfect. They feel like they need to get plastic surgery done which is another artificial way of life. It shows how artificial the world is , and that doctors are actually used to doing procedures like this. Nowadays, it is not rare to get a brow lift or cheek implants.
Artifact 1
People on steroids is an artificial way of living. They are becoming strong and getting muscles with out physically working out. It is also very unhealthy. I chose the image above because the mans body is technically fake, he did not work out to get those muscles or the strength. Steroids also cause health problems but many people do not realize that or just avoid that fact. There body and brained is being harmed. It is a fake version of hormones that is simply injected in your body to make the muscles form for size and strength. People can work out, jog or lift weights to become strong but many people like some athletes chose to take steroids, kind of and easy way out although it has any side effects. I chose the image above which is of a man who is on steroids. That picture stood out to me because his muscles are extremely big from steroids. He looks like his arms and legs are about to burst. His veins are also popping out every where.
Blog 3.1 Personal Electronic Devices
Claim: Personal electronic devices are the most useful technology we have and effect our lives every second.
Reason: Many people can do almost anything they want on there cell phones.
Evidence: A cell phone is able to make calls. You can also listen to music on it or even check the weather. Pictures and videos can be taken from a cell phone. You are also able to send mails and other messaging like text messages or picture message.
Reason: Computers and many cell phones give you access to the internet and you can learn a lot off it.
Evidence: If you are unsure about something or do not know what it means you can get on the internet and google it. Whatever information you need to find , you can always find it on there and answers to things you do not know about. Theres many useful sites you can also go on.
Reason: Many people can do almost anything they want on there cell phones.
Evidence: A cell phone is able to make calls. You can also listen to music on it or even check the weather. Pictures and videos can be taken from a cell phone. You are also able to send mails and other messaging like text messages or picture message.
Reason: Computers and many cell phones give you access to the internet and you can learn a lot off it.
Evidence: If you are unsure about something or do not know what it means you can get on the internet and google it. Whatever information you need to find , you can always find it on there and answers to things you do not know about. Theres many useful sites you can also go on.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
2.2 Truman Syndrome
Is the “Truman Syndrome” a new disease or just a fake assumption? The Truman Syndrome is where some one feels trapped inside a different world, or an illusion. Like the movie “The Truman Show”, Truman Burbank was being followed 24/7 with hidden cameras everywhere without him knowing. He was living in a fake world that was to perfect. He did not notice this until one day he realized that everything that was happening, was constantly and then he started putting the pieces together and realized what was going on.
In the passage “Life imitates art as “The Truman Syndrome” diagnosed”, the article states that there are people who feel like they are trapped inside a different world. Some people believe that “the Truman syndrome” does exist, but other people and researchers do not believe it. A psychologist from the article named Vaughan Bell says that he had a patient who actually thought he was in the movie “The Matrix.” The article also states that one man thought he was being filmed for a TV contest while another thought his life was a staged set world like the movie "The Truman Show" and he was the main star. Many people who have a disease or something that is wrong with them take different kinds of medication. These medications can affect the way you think and can interfere with your brain and mind. Some people who think there stuck inside a different world are considered "crazy", and not taken serious.
I do believe that movies can mentally change a persons view of life and thinking but many people just are experiencing a mental disease. Like some horror movies, after a person watches a horror movie or even scientific movie, it frightens people and then they are afraid of what was happening in the film. Some people even get scared that it might happen to them.
Therefore, the "Truman Syndrome" is a disease. Whether some one maybe be born like that or it develops after watching a certain film, being that there are people who experience that just like some scientist have researched. You may call them crazy or delusional but its just a case of the "Truman Syndrome."
I do believe that movies can mentally change a persons view of life and thinking but many people just are experiencing a mental disease. Like some horror movies, after a person watches a horror movie or even scientific movie, it frightens people and then they are afraid of what was happening in the film. Some people even get scared that it might happen to them.
Therefore, the "Truman Syndrome" is a disease. Whether some one maybe be born like that or it develops after watching a certain film, being that there are people who experience that just like some scientist have researched. You may call them crazy or delusional but its just a case of the "Truman Syndrome."
Monday, October 11, 2010
2.1 Archetype
My archetype is the orphan. The orphan has reality hit to them at an earlier stage in life. Having no one to guide them, they learn to become independent. The orphan also learns that suffering is universal. Orphans are seen in many fairy tales and many Disney characters, sometimes feeling like an outcast.They know that the world does not revolve around them and they are very determined. Growing up, I always had my parents around me but i was still very mischievous and a rebel. Eventually, I learned I had to take responsibility for my actions and learned to become independent.
This image above relates to the orphan archetype. The children seem lonely and there probably sleeping on the street because they do not have a place to stay. They probably have no type of family or parents. The children were also most likely abandoned, comforting each other.
The image is from the movie "Annie". Annie is an orphan who live with other children in a miserable orphanage. All the orphans there get mistreated. Annie is very mischievous but she is also very caring towards the other orphans and supports them when they are feeling down. Annie's parents have abandoned her and she decides to escape to find them but gets caught. She also finds a friendly stray dog and pretends that it is hers so she can keep it. Annie feels connected to the stray dog. I chose this picture because it represents the orphan archetype in a negative way. I think this picture fits the archetype because Annie is an orphan who has no parent figure in her life. She has to live and grow in life with out any one guiding her in the right direction and teaching her from wrong but she never gives up hope on survival and facing the hardships.
Cinderella is also another character with the orphan archetype. She has no parents and lives with a cruel step-mother who slaves her around and makes Cinderella do all different chores and takes responsibility. Cinderella is also lonely, but does not give up on dreaming and also has high hopes. She find companion in mice. She feels like she is not any part of her family and is forced to move onto adulthood.
My second archetype was the warrior. The warrior represents strength and able to protect and defend. Also the warrior will fight for ones rights and show no mercy. The warrior is aggressive and knows how to defend themselves and others.I chose Xena to represent the warrior archetype because she is a warrior that is always fighting to help people and has skills that she uses to defend herself. She is successful with the public and for keeping them safe. She serves and follows her kings instructions. Xena is very aggressive and knows what she needs to do to protect people. Xena is a very strong person and can handle mainly anything. This is a positive archetype.
I chose the image above for warrior archetype because Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a warrior. He used speeches and boycotts. He also was a symbolic leader. He fought for civil rights and for freedom and peace. His famous line was "I have a dream", wanting black and white people to be equal. Martin Luther King Jr. said and did what he had to do because he was not going to let racism be acceptable. He stood up for what he believed in even though many people did not agree with him. I believe Martin Luther King fits my archetype because he was a strong man, and heroic.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Blog 1.4 The Truman Show
"I know you better than you know yourself." This is a quote from the movie "The Truman Show." The producer Christoff, says this to Jim Carey's character Truman, a man who has been living a fake life and had no idea about it. Truman Burbank is the star of the most popular television show in the world and he doesn't know about that or that his neighborhood he lives in is actually a big studio with hidden cameras all around and everyone is actors. Christoff plays a God-like role in this movie. He has absolute control over everything that happens in Truman's life.
Being that Christoff is the creator of what happens in Truman's life, he uses fear to control Truman. He created the fear of water with Truman, by making him think his father drowned from a big storm because Truman did not want to leave the water. At one part, Truman tries to escape many times to go to Fiji, but Christoff always make something go wrong. When he goes to a travel agent, the lady tells him all the flights are booked until next month because it is travel season. Then he decides to take a ship there, but has the fear to walk to it because he sees a mini boat on the side broken and it gives him a flash back of his father. This prevents him from being able to go on the ship. After that Truman tries to take a bus to his destination, but the bus engines unexpectedly breaks down. Christoff is controlling everything that is coincidentally happening to avoid Truman from leaving the town. When Truman tries to escape by crossing a river bridge, by closing his eyes and forcing his wife to steer, a "nuclear accident" appears on the other side of the bridge preventing Truman to continue on his escape.
Christoff also has control over the weather and environment. When Truman finally gets the courage to hop in a boat and escape, Christoff controls the weather by creating a storm. He makes the storm become really bad to the point where Truman might drown and die. He does not want Truman to escape and find out that he is living a lie. Christoff then turns the sea back to calm, making the sun shine and the darkness go away. Also, while Truman is looking up to the sky after trying to escape, Christoff then broadcasts his voice and reveals that he is the creator of "The Truman Show."
Christoff is similar to God in many different ways throughout the movie. By controlling everything that happens in Truman's life, this shows how he is a God to Truman, yet Truman does not have any idea. That is why Christoff had no problem with trying to kill Truman. He viewed it as, if he created him, he can also destroy him. Christoff made it highly impossible for Truman to find out the truth and live a normal life, by being the god like director that controlled the "The Truman Show" world.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
My place in the cave 1.3
In "The Allegory of the Cave", Socrates proves a point that the world we experience is a world of illusion, and knowledge is the key to everything. In the story Allegory of the Cave, prisoners are in a cave facing only a wall. There are people behind them holding board figures of different things like a cat and all they can see are shadows from a fire burning. They grew up in that cave and have no idea what the world looks like from outside the cave. So when one prisoner escapes and view the world outside, he returns to tell the other men and save them. They do not believe him and think he is crazy. So instead of getting free they think it is better to stay where they are or else they will also turn crazy as well.
If i was to compare my life to this story, I would have to say I am walking out into the light. Being that I just started college, it is a new step in my life that I want to succeed. I am still young and have so many things I want to do. There are many unanswered questions that I have, and sure there are many more to come. The world is a big question mark to me. I am filled with a lot of curiosity and want to know the answers to a lot of things. Some I will never find out and others might take a while before I know. I am filled with knowledge but there is still many more things I will learn throughout my life, whether it is good or bad. I can not predict what the future holds for me, but I prepare myself and be ready for what ever it has to bring. Everyday I will step further out into the light wanting to learn more.
Stepping into the light , you are stepping into reality. Its the time to be independent and make you own decisions on life. Hopefully one day I can "try to get people free" and enlighten them with the knowledge that I receive. I only plan on moving forward in life, I do not plan on turning back. Knowledge will help me get where I want to be. When you release yourself from the cave, you will soon realize there is a whole different world outside.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Heroic Day 1.2
Many people every day have things that go on throughout the day and it becomes heroic. Some people just do not realize it. By accomplishing a big task like starting your first day at school or work becomes heroic because at the end of the day you achieved and accomplished something new. Also throughout the day you may face obstacles and difficulties that can try to throw you off track or be hard to go on with your day.
When I wake up and start to get ready is when my day starts. As I’m getting ready I watch the news to see what the weather will be like. This is like my supernatural aide; it guides and helps me decide on what to wear and not to wear. Then I continued on doing chores around my house until it was time for me to leave for class. I headed towards the train to get me to my destination. A refusal of call happened when the train was delayed. I had to wait almost an hour before it came. Finally when I got off the train I had to rush to my class because I was late. The train being late was an obstacle that I came across and threw me off schedule. I continued on to my other classes until I was finished for the day. Then I headed back for the train to head home which was about 7:00 p.m. I got home quickly and had to be in work at 9 p.m. so I had time to relax. Finally, when it was time I went to work. There was a thunderstorm and it was raining really heavy, because of that my job closed early and I was only there for 3 hours. I did not mind that because I was tired and not in the mood to work. The thunderstorm was like my hero because it saved me from having to work a long shift when I really did not want to that night. So I headed back home and work on assignments I had to do for class. When my day was over I returned to my bed to rest up. I never know what to expect the next morning when I wake up.
Every day is like a journey or adventure. Just like Hero’s Journey, throughout the day you will find yourself coming across a refusal of call, threshold, tests and an aid to guide you. Then you receive a reward, which is the achievement of what you were set out to do that day. That was my heroic day. Even though I was not a super hero fighting villains, I was my own hero. I succeeded and accomplished different tasks and problems that I came across throughout the day. Then I returned back to get sleep and prepare what was to come in the future. You never know what to expect that will happen.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
technology 1.1
Technology plays a big role in people’s life as well as mine. There are many different devices used to for various things like information in weather, sports or news to communication with one another. The technology that majority of the people use is a cell phone like myself. Nowadays a cell phone has many different features on it that you can use to get you what you need or want to find. Some are like a mini computer. Technology is so advanced nowadays. For example, when the television was created it was just a simple black and white t.v that you needed an antenna to work. Now there are flat screens, and televisions with HD and also you can watch 3D on some. Technology also advanced in the medical field. They have different types of machines that help doctors see what can be wrong with a patient.
My cell phone and laptop are the two main devices that I use every day. One feature on the cell phone is text messages. I think it’s a good thing because you don’t actually have to make a phone call; you can send a quick message and get a reply without actually calling the person. It can also be good if you in a meeting or other place where you can not pick up your phone to place a call. Also if you’re bored or waiting for time to pass by you can find games on your phone, some hold music or also access the internet from it.
My cell phone and laptop are the two main devices that I use every day. One feature on the cell phone is text messages. I think it’s a good thing because you don’t actually have to make a phone call; you can send a quick message and get a reply without actually calling the person. It can also be good if you in a meeting or other place where you can not pick up your phone to place a call. Also if you’re bored or waiting for time to pass by you can find games on your phone, some hold music or also access the internet from it.
The laptop or computer is a great technology that came out because you can do mainly anything on it, especially with the internet. It can be used to research information or mainly anything you need to find out and it is also very quick. They come in handy a lot for people who go to school or work and communication also, which is why this technology can be very dependable and things can be complicating if you don’t have one. Also you can store things on it from documents to pictures and music and easily retrieve them.
I think technology is a good thing because it is very helpful. It enhances the way a person lives by researching things and finding information out without having to go to the library to read a book to communicating with other people. It is also good if you’re into sports and you missed a game or want to find out the score of something because you can easily look it up on the internet. I think without the use of these technologies people would feel lost and clueless. Many people rely and depend on these technologies to get them through there day and use it very frequently and daily because of how easy and helpful technology can be.
I think technology is a good thing because it is very helpful. It enhances the way a person lives by researching things and finding information out without having to go to the library to read a book to communicating with other people. It is also good if you’re into sports and you missed a game or want to find out the score of something because you can easily look it up on the internet. I think without the use of these technologies people would feel lost and clueless. Many people rely and depend on these technologies to get them through there day and use it very frequently and daily because of how easy and helpful technology can be.
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